1,000 Game Levels 2
1,000 Game Levels 2.iso
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MURDER MOTEL is an on-line multi-user game based on a Commodore BBS
door of the same name. The game concept has elements of the movies
Physco, and Thunderdome. If you've seen these movies, you may very
well enjoy this game.
Objective: Kill or be killed!
Unless you already have a clue, your task is to kill someone, as
someone else is to kill you. This is done by using a weapon that
you build from two of many duplicate parts strewn about the rooms
of the motel. For each weapon there is one defense. These weapons
as well as the defense against them follow:
Weapons Defenses
Pistol & Bullets.....................Flak Jacket
Flame Thrower & Fuel.................Extinguisher
Acid Sprayer & Acid..................Lye
Axe Handle & Axe Blade...............Riot Shield
Gas Sprayer & Chlorine...............Gas Mask
Once complete, each weapon can be used indefinitely. You can
(L)eave any item in the room(s) of your choice. It might become
necessary for you to change your defenses, as well as your
weapons, since your target may either change, or protect himself.
Note: There are 6 sets of each weapon, and 6 of each defense.
This makes a total of 90 items. The more players there are,
the harder it will be to find the defense/weapon that you need!
Odds and Ends:
There is no standard to the Motel. Since sysops can make their
own motels, its possible that one game isn't the same somewhere
else! Sometimes you may find yourself going through one-way
passages, out doors, or just hanging out somewhere inside.
According to the sysop's setup, anyone is given 30 to 90 moves
per day, and a maximum demerit count as configured by the sysop.
Usually, a five demerit point limit does well; allowing you to
read the squeals once, and add up to two (more on this later).
MURDER MOTEL commands:
(N)orth, (S)outh, (E)ast, (W)est, (U)p, and (D)own are self-explainatory
commands that can be used whenever moving around in the Motel.
Upon your entrance into any room, the exits will be told.
(T)ake... Let's you get an object that is in the room you are in. Upon
entering a room, you are told WHO and/or WHAT is in the room with
(L)eave... Will allow you to discard any item you are carrying. Since
you can only carry 4 things at once, this command will become
necessary should you need to replace something you are holding.
(K)ill... Of course, to attempt to kill your target. If you have
both parts of a weapon you can try this command, but take note! If
your target has the defense for the weapon you try to use, your
target will fight back! YES, if your target also has a complete
weapon, he or she attacks you with it, therefore, when attacking
someone, be cautious, and try to carry both DEFENSES & the weapon.
(Q)uit... Use this command to end your turn for today. If you have
moves remaining, they will be stored until you come back later the
same day to finish them. If you don't play again until the next
day, the moves will be lost, and you'll get the maximum again.
(I)nventory... For a list of what you are carrying, how many moves
you have left, the room number you are in, as well as who your
target is, use the 'I' command while inside the Motel. The 'I'
command doesn't count as a move, feel free to use it often.
(G)raphics... To toggle between ANSI mode ON, or ANSI mode off while
in the door. This command was added to improvet the speed of
operation at some of the slower baud rates.
(A)utokeys... To toggle between HOT-keys on/off. While in the Motel
and ready to move, the single keystroke commands [N,S, etc] are
either standard, or hot-keys. As a hot-key, you need not press
[ENTER] to input your [N,S, etc] commands. (Added by request!)
HELP & HINTS: (begin on next page)
You can gain or lose moves by snitching on an opponent. This is
done by using Squeals files. Upon entrance into the door, you can
Choose the (S)queals files option to either READ or ENTER your
squeal. Note: You cannot use the (S)queals files from inside the
motel, if needed, you can (Q)uit the motel and return to select 'S'
and add or read the Squeals as you choose.
The Catch to READING these squeals, is that you can lose some of
your remaining moves, and that some of the squeals may not be true.
You can GAIN moves, however, by entering a correct squeal telling
where a living person is. Be Warned! If your squeal is false
you will lose moves, though a smart player would use this to his
advantage. Starting with version 2.0, you are penalized for
squealing on yourself!
( more about the squeals on the next page )
You are given demerit points each time you READ/WRITE to the
Squeal files, and you are only allowed a limit of demerits each day.
You are given ONE demerit each time you READ the squeals, and TWO
for each squeal you enter. In version 2.0 of murder motel, you
are told how many of the preceeding squeals where true at the time
you READ the squeals; again, a great 'strategic' improvement to
the game.
Also native to version 4.0, is the ability to PICK your target.
The main menu PICK command will handle this. If a player is
available (meaning he or she wasn't already picked) you must
try PICKING a target (at least you must have a target) before
you try entering the motel.
Murder Motel received excellent ideas for improving the game, of
them, are the following, available in Version (2.0)-(2.2) only!
Object # 1 & Object # 7 are shown as 'motion detectors' in the game.
You can (T)ake these objects, and leave them wherever you wish. The
strategy, however is to leave them in the room of a living person,
preferably, the person who is out to kill YOU!
Whenever the (E)nter the motel command is given motion detectors
gain the potential to become dangerous! If you ENTER the motel
at a room that has a motion detector, you set it off, losing moves,
and dropping anything you are carrying; afterwards, the motion
detector is sent to another room.
If you find the Butler, Maid, or Janitor, they will tell you who
is out to kill you. These people cannot be killed, nor can they
kill you. They are in different areas each day.
By separating commands on the line by a <space>, commands can
be entered in advance to when they are executed. This may come
in handy for making play faster, and efficient. The easiest way
to explain the power of stacking commands is to give some examples
of how they can be used. Some examples follow:
( 33 moves left ) Your command ? T 11
The above command would (T)ake item # 11; if of course it was
in the room, and that it was valid to do so.
( 33 moves left ) Your command ? L 23
As above, this will let you (L)eave the object your are carrying.
( 33 moves left ) Your command ? N W E
The game will move you (N)orth, display the new room, then move
your (W)est and display the room, until finally moving (E)ast.
If either direction was invalid, it would just continue on. You
will only be charged for moves that count.
( 33 moves left ) Your command ? N3
Called an expert command, this will move you in the [dir][magnitude],
or in simple English, NORTH for 3 moves. The range of the number
value is 1-9, and note again, you will not be charged if the move
is invalid.
This command will give speed to the play since it will only show
the resulting room at the completion of its movement. (when you
fully know the map, try this command, it may come in handy!)
( 33 moves left ) Your command ? N3 W9 E N T 33 E
As you see, these commands can be 'stacked' quite completely, in
all cases, a <SPACE> separates commands.
M U R D E R M O T E L Version 4.0 - Where death lurks...
Live long and prosper, happy hunting!
Murder Motel was originally conceived by Sean D. Wagle. The objective, and
BASIC concept of play comes from his first release for Commodore 64 Bulletin
Board Systems. Since then, I thought I'd see what the other side (IBM)
thinks of it, and the response was great. Well, here you have it, a full
blown, much MUCH improved release of Murder Motel!